The awards, presented by the Association of Illustrators in partnership with California’s Directory of Illustration and Somerset House, mark the 40th anniversary of the AOI’s annual celebration of the industry’s best work.
Illustrators from South Korea won both the overall Professional and New Talent Awards, with the top awards going to Jimin Kim (below) and Jungho Lee (above), respectively. The pair also headed up the work in the Books category.
According to the AOI, Lee’s winning project was a hand-drawn book illustration made using graphite and charcoal (a commission for Sang Publishing), while Kim’s Hyde & Seek picture book explored the theme of ‘alter egos’ in the form of a series of black and white etchings (the reader can create different compositions from the sections).
“I get the impression that the participants are interested in expressive technique to showcase their style,” said Books category judge, Daehyun Kim. “Jungho Lee’s picture book is distinguished not just because of his outstanding technique, but great imagination. I think this is why the jury chose his book as the overall winner.
“I really enjoyed Jimin Kim’s little book,” judge Kim added. “I wanted to peek through the little holes to discover fractions of personality. The title, the story, and the cut-out technique are just in perfect harmony. I’m so proud of the result of the competition!”
This year’s winning work – over 50 projects – will be shown at an exhibition held at Somerset House’s Embankment East Galleries from August 1-29 (entry is free). It will then tour the UK throughout 2016-17.
The full list of winners is as follows:
Overall Winner New Talent: Jimin Kim
Overall Winner Professional: Jungho Lee
Winner – Advertising New Talent: Julinu
Winner – Advertising Professional: Forge & Morrow
Winner – Books New Talent: Jimin Kim
Winner – Books Professional: Jungho Lee
Winner – Children’s Books New Talent: Ami Shin
Winner – Children’s Books Professional: Alex T. Smith
Winner – Design Professional: Ella Cohen
Winner – Design New Talent: Thoka Maer
Winner – Editorial New Talent: Nancy Liang
Winner – Editorial Professional: Matt Huynh
Winner – Public Realm Professional: Brian Gallagher
Winner – Public Realm Professional: Diego Becas Villegas
Winner – Research & Knowledge Communication New Talent: Eun Jung Bahng
Winner – Research & Knowledge Communication Professional: Florian Bayer
Winner – Self Initiated New Talent: Eunjoo Lee
Winner – Self Initiated Professional: Gigi Rose Gray
More at theaoi.com
Article by Creative Review